Many of you have hit me up on email or come into the store with a magazine in hand folded to the new Liz Claiborne Spring Collection ads, asking, "Girl, is that you!?" Well... YES IT IS ME! In addition to the ads in VOGUE, In Style, Elle, GLAMOUR, The New York Times, Oprah and Lucky, I'm featured on billboards, bus shelters and bus ads nationally and there's even a commercial:
SO CRAZY!! Here's how it went down...this fall at Brooklyn Flea, I was approached by some talent scouts to be in the ads for the new Liz Claiborne Collection. At first I was skeptical and didn't expect to hear anything else about it. But once I got the call and heard that Isaac Mizrahi was on board to refresh the brand, I was down! You can read more about his thinking behind the campaign and the "regular girl" casting here.
Overall, it was a great experience and a fun way to spend a couple of days. No worries ladies... while I could DEFINITELY get used to the model lifestyle, I won't be leaving Collecther anytime soon. Check out the other photos below and click on the images for a larger view. Later!
HEY COLLECTHERS! What a busy weekend... here's a snap shot of what went down. On another note, it's almost time to purge your closet for our seasonal Clothing Swap! If you've never been to a Collecther Clothing Swap you are in for a treat. In true Recessionista fashion, what's old to you is new to another and vice versa. It's a great way to begin your spring cleaning and refresh your wardrobe. It's fashion recycling! Stay tuned to the blog for more details.
AND DON'T FORGET: Denim Drop-off EVERY SUNDAY! Bring your favorite ripped and worn-out jeans in on Sunday for some Collecther TLC and pick them up the following Sunday, gorgeous and ready to wear!